Friday, January 14, 2022

First UFO Finish of 2022

    This has been a great week to make progress on my UFO list for 2022. I decided to tackle projects closest to being finished. First up was my “Hope” quilt with pattern from G E Designs for her second quarantine quilt along in 2020. I love the pattern and it was fairly easy to piece.

   For the next  UFO I pulled the "Jewel Box Stars" top and added a simple border so it is ready to be sandwiched for quilting. These blocks were great for using scraps. The block design was from Bonnie Hunter for her 2018Leader/Ender Challenge. I added sashing between my blocks.  I found enough of the brown in my stash for the border.

Check out other finishes on Finished (or Not) Friday. 

Stay safe and healthy while enjoying some time sewing and quilting.


  1. What a gorgeous String quilt!!! That gives me a want to go play in my black and whites!! love it!

  2. Wow, "Hope" in Black and White and Rainbows! Hmmm, would make a great future RSC project. You are moving right along on your UFOSs!

  3. Lovely finishes! I love how you played with black and white fabrics.
    Hope to see you in TGIFF link party one Friday, or in my link party on Saturday ;)

  4. Way to dig into the UFO closet, Elizabeth!!
