Friday, October 8, 2021

Working on the Quilting

      I don't have anything finished but did get borders on my Bats and Boos quilt as well as got it sandwiched and started quilting.  

 I wanted to FM quilt free-formed spiderwebs but was scared to start. I practiced on plastic and paper first to get a feel of what I wanted to do.  

Finally I did and I love it so far. 

 It is not the easiest. I am about half done and needed a break. Hope to finish the quilting today.

I'm linking up with Finished (or Not) Friday.  Have fun seeing all the projects.  

Stay safe and healthy while enjoying some time sewing and quilting.


  1. Kudos for stepping outside your comfort zone. The spider web quilting is coming out great!

  2. Hi Elizabeth, thank you sharing that recipe for Stickies. Love cinnamon rolls so will definitely be trying these. Meanwhile, I do like the border you chose for this QAL. Perfect as are your spider webs. I'm hand quilting a few of those on my Halloween project. Happy Stitching from me.

  3. What a wonderful quilting motif for your wonderful quilt!

  4. Oh this is AWESOME!! and your quilting is just perfect for it!!!

  5. That is a great seasonal quilt!!! Happy quilting!
