Monday, December 27, 2021

Project Progress and Goals

     Wow! Hard to believe this is the last week of 2021. Time to take stock of UFOs and plan for the new year. My goal for this week is to finish quilting one more comfort quilt; however, some time needs to be spent in my yard. We had a record breaking high the day after Christmas of 75 and it is warm today.

     Christmas week after visiting family I had some sewing time. I mass produced 14 snowman mug rugs that will be gifted when I host a meeting next month. I finished them  pillowcase style to save time instead of using binding and quilting them simply. I will be looking for snow theme napkins and plates.

     In the evening I pieced the center of a comfort quilt. The cut fabric pieces were adopted from a quilter. I played with units to create 12” finished blocks and tried to use a mix of the fabrics. There are also pieces cut that I can use for borders and binding.

     The  week before Christmas I pieced the 12th and last Old School BOM and played with layout. This was a challenge. Every month was a different designer and I substituted one block instead of spending time with hand piecing small hexagons which is not my thing. I plan to use a navy blue sashing and border to give them some cohesiveness.

Stash fabric used or added the past week-
Used: 2 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year- Used: 112 yds Added: 50 yds

Hope you are enjoying this special season.
Stay safe and healthy while enjoying some time sewing and quilting.

1 comment:

  1. THose mug rugs are SO cute!!!!!! and the Blocks for your BOM are really pretty!
