Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Working on This and That

     I can't seem to focus on any one project recently. I added a wide border to the Hope Rainbow quilt so that it will finish a good twin size. The block design was from GE Designs 2nd Quarantine Quilt Along. Now the top is waiting along with others for sandwiching and quilting.

     I pulled out this UFO started in 2014.
I want to add borders so it will finish double bed size. I made a plan and started pulling fabrics when I discovered a bag of forgotten reds that were put aside because the dye was not stable. I had a question about a couple of reds and decided to test them. I placed the edge in the sink and wet it with cold water. 

 I was disappointed to see how quickly the dye ran. I always prewash my fabrics and reds especially with dye catchers. I added 2 more to the 2 from the past and now have 4 that run badly.
Two were manufactured by David Textiles. Those are all set aside again for dealing with later.

     Bonnie Hunter posted the new leader/ender challenge block called “Easy Breezy”.  The block is interesting; however, I do not cut and keep narrow strips in my stash to make such small blocks so I have enlarged the size to use pieces I have. Using my stash of 2 1/2” squares and 2 ½ by 4 1/2” bricks I pulled sets to make 11 blocks that will finish at 8”.

     While I was visiting Bonnie's free patterns I also decided to make some of her “Chunky Churn Dash” blocks just in a little larger size. I pulled 3 1/2” blocks from my stash; however, I did have to cut most of the 2” strips for these blocks. My blocks will finish at 9”. 

 Now I have plenty of leader/ender units for a while.

     With Covid-19 cases on the rise here and around the country, please stay safe and healthy while doing something you enjoy like sewing or quilting.


  1. You have great projects!! Your Rainbow string quilt is fantastic!! and the 2014 UFO ( that is its new name haha) wow!!! That is just soooo cool!!

  2. Your Hope Rainbow quilt is beautiful. I love the bright solids combined with the string triangles. The squares inside the solid color strings almost give the impression of descent toward the center in an optical illusion way. Intriguing.
    Oh, those reds. It's almost scary to put red in a quilt for fear it will bleed, even if it's been washed a time or two with color catchers. I hope they don't ruin any of your quilts.
