Monday, July 1, 2024

It's a Quilt Top

      I had a special, fun week last week. My older granddaughter Mattie was here for a visit. We helped out at the local soup kitchen on Tuesday morning. Later I had finished piecing all the pinwheel blocks

so in the afternoon we laid out all the bow and pinwheel blocks in rows to get colors where we wanted them. Then she pieced a couple of rows together.
Wednesday we went to church quilt group where she pieced a backing and helped sandwich 3 quilt tops for quilting.
Thursday we did some fun things in town. Friday after Mattie headed home, I finished sewing the quilt center together. Saturday I added the borders and pieced the backing. Here is the finished top.

     I spent several hours Sunday afternoon dealing with scraps on my craft table to clear it so I can sandwich the top and start quilting. This quilt is jumping ahead of those that have been waiting for quilting because it will be a gift. I'm glad Mattie could help sew on it.

Stash Report for 2024

      this past week - Used: 4.14 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year -Used: 66.875 yds Added: 30.875 yds
            Net decrease 36.0 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

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