Monday, September 16, 2024

Lots of Squirrels Around Here

       The past week was busy with activities including many sewing projects but not much progress on any one thing. Several mornings it felt like fall and was great to do some yard work with the cooler temperature. I pulled a UFO to sandwich but didn't decide how I wanted to quilt it so it sits.

     Wednesday at church quilt group we started a joint quilt project by “creating a color palette”. We used the activity from Anna Maria Horner's class on Creative Bug and then shopped our church fabric stash. We enjoyed the activity and Mary Ann finished the first block using our chosen color palette.

     I pulled an adopted UFO (as if I didn't have enough of my own) and decided on a setting for the blocks. I needed 6 more to make what I wanted so pieced the needed blocks. Now the project sits again.

     I got the idea to organize my quilt patterns and UFOs. That felt good but there is not much to show for the time spent. I found a bag of folded squares and quickly made a folded star hot pad. The only problem was finding a coordinating fabric for the binding. This is the best I could do without buying something. At least I finished something.

     Going through things and finding more UFOs can be dangerous. I found a project started in a class on distorting traditional blocks with Lura Schwartz Smith about 2005. I like the concepts from the class and would like to do something with the blocks I made so down another rabbit hole I went. It is more like playing and I'm enjoying being off track.

Stash Report for 2024

this past week - Used: 8.2 yds Added: 5 yds
 So far this year -Used: 92.005 yds Added: 40.125 yds
Net decrease 51.88 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for sewing or quilting.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13

Friday, September 6, 2024

Working on Many Projects

    Not much sewing happened last week mostly because two of my sisters arrived Tuesday and we spent the week doing lots together. I did can 6 jars of jalapenos. Irene brought apples from her trees and we canned 16 pints of applesauce.

    A few years ago I adopted 3 cute “Little Doll Baby” heads dated 1985 by Martha Nelson Thomas. I sewed the body. Sister Irene loves to make art dolls and while she was here I had her help to sculpt the arms and legs to finish the body for this doll.

Now she needs a couple of cute outfits and she will be gifted to a little girl. Then I hope to finish the other 2.

    The “Foxes” is now a top. The orange sashing helps.  It will be cute for a child. 

I added borders to “Horse Fascination” for a complete top. The large print horse fabric is wonderfully highlighted in this pattern.

Stash Report for 2024

this past week - Used: 1.85 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year -Used: 83.805 yds Added: 35.125 yds
Net decrease 48.685 yds

     Yesterday I cleared off my craft table so it is ready for me to sandwich a couple of tops to be quilted.  Next week I hope to focus on quilting. 

I'm linking up with Alycia's Finished (or Not) Friday. 

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13