Friday, October 16, 2020

Small Finishes

     I have a couple of small finishes to share since I did not post last week. I finished this lap quilt. 

The fabric squares were a charm pack and a matching 2 1/2” sample pack (I don't know if that size pack has a special name.) I rarely use or buy precuts but these were donated.  First I FMQ a wavy grid on the diagonal and then quilted a continuous line motif using the grid. Here is a close-up.  

    I love this cooler fall weather so I have enjoyed time in the garden. My Swamp Sunflower is blooming beautifully. They usually only bloom in October into November

    Thinking fall I pulled out 2 placemat tops and finished them. I had some leftover fall motifs with fusible web and each granddaughter designed a layout.

    I save scraps of batting and fabric to fill pet beds for the local pet shelter. This week a friend called to say she had fabric for the pet beds. She brought several bags of fabric. Most of it is not small scraps but usable for charity quilts. I sorted it by color and threw it in the wash.

Church sewing friends will help cut it into squares or strips for our scrap system and then also fill pet beds.

Hope you are enjoying some time sewing or quilting.

Check out what others are getting done at Confessions of a Fabric Addict blog for Whoop, Whoop Friday. 

Take care and stay healthy.

1 comment:

  1. that's so nice of your friend to donated fabric! and you to wash and iron...oh boy...that's a big job too! I used to fill pillowcases with scraps for dog beds but now, our shelters aren't accepting the beds...
