Friday, July 26, 2019

Another Week of Grandma Camp

     I managed to spend some quilting time Sunday afternoon.  The center is all quilted. The rest will wait until next week.

     The rest of the week has been all about fun time with my granddaughters.  I pick them up in the mornings for the day of crafting, baking and sewing plus a little time at the park and the pool.  We have baked blueberry muffins and a blueberry pie with blueberries from my bushes.  We baked cupcakes for their mom’s birthday and they made the icing and decorated them.

     The girls worked on animal sculptures out of air dry clay.  The structure of the body was formed from Styrofoam eggs and skewer sticks.  Here is an in-progress photo.

Here they are with them finished.

     They decorated china cups and plates with glass markers as presents for parents.  The 7 year old sewed a simple placemat turned pillowcase style so no binding and machine quilted it with the walking foot.  The 11 year old sewed a set of 4 coasters plus a matching mug rug.

     The least exciting thing was for the girls to spend time on summer work packets because school starts for them August 1st.  My how the summer has flown by.

Hope you take time to enjoy some sewing or quilting. 


  1. They are are such perfect ages for doing all the fun things. Love those creatures!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I am spending a day with my two grandsons and we like to do crafts, too, but the pool is our big attraction! The quilt you have made is so very pretty! Nice work on the quilting, also!
