Monday, March 24, 2025

Easter Projects and Quilt Progress

     Recently I have been spending most of my time on gardening or home projects but I finally found some time to sew. I had fallen behind on Pat's March Block a Day so spent a couple of days for catch up. I made 20 half log blocks and decided to stop there for a 4 by 5 setting. With a simple border the size will be good for a church comfort quilt. When I started I pulled 2 1/2” strips and 4 1/2” squares from my scrap user system. I had to cut a few more. To achieve this setting I had to twist a lot of seams for them to nest but I'm happy with the setting and would like to play with this block design more.

     One GD requested an Easter pillowcase so I had to make one for each GD. I did not have any Easter fabric but found a cute fabric at Hobby Lobby for 40% off. I made 3 Easter pillowcases.

     GD Lily wants to decorate her bedroom for each holiday. So when I saw directions for a cute bunny garland I asked her if she wanted one. She said yes. Here is what I made.
You can find the free pattern here.

     I pulled another UFO to work on. Some pieced blocks and a pile of strips were adopted from MaryAnn H. I pieced more blocks until I had 42 that were needed for a setting I planned in EQ. The blocks are all sewn into a top. I will add borders to make it a little larger for a QOV.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 5.5 yds Added: 1.75 yds
So far this year – Used: 39.115 yds Added: 3 yds
Net decrease 36.115 yds

It feels good to have made progress on several projects and hope to this week also.

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.


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