Monday, March 3, 2025

A Little of This and That

    The past week I had no focus but worked on a little bit of several quilt projects. I pulled green, blue and neutral fabrics for 6 B blocks of Scrap Dance Waltz. All the units are cut and I started sewing the 72 HSTs.

     Wednesday I shared the construction of the little house for the “Village” quilt pattern. This is the group new joint quilt project.  Mine are vary similar and I need to make more variety. It will be fun to see all the different houses that are made.  The pattern is free from Fat Quarter Shop.

     I decided to pull from my scraps and join in Pat Sloan's March Block a Day.  I have participated for several years in the March Block a Day and enjoy it. Some days I may sew 2 a day because I like having one under the needle as a leader for the next. Here are my first 2.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 2.5 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year - Used: 32.615 yds Added: 3 yds
Net decrease 29.615 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.