Friday, January 17, 2025

Another Comfort Quilt Finish

    I have been on a roll finishing and here is another comfort quilt. The pieced top was donated and long and narrow. I added wide side borders and quilted. I took the opportunity to practice the FM feather meander all over the main part. Although far from perfect it gives a nice texture.

Then because I love feathers, I quilted long feathers in the wide borders. Here is close up of the front

and here is close up of the back quilting.

   I cut more scrappy pink brick units for more potato chip blocks and currently have 12. I have more bricks cut so will continue making blocks. Hopefully 30 in all for a 60 by 72” quilt.

    I'm linking up with Alycia for Finished or Not Friday. Check it out for inspiration.

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.


  1. Kudos for another comfort quilt finish. Great job working with a too narrow quilt in some difficult colors. Great job on the pink potato chip blocks. I hope to get a few pink ones made today!

  2. Love your pink potato chips! I made one with all colors last year, very fun.

  3. Your comfort quilt is a wonderful finish! I think your quilting looks great. And the potato chip blocks, too - so pretty in pink!
