Monday, February 3, 2025

Mug Rugs and More

      My church quilt group has been asked to have a show of our quilts and other projects such as placemats and pocket prayer squares. The past Wednesday at the meeting I started sewing hanging sleeves on quilts for the show in March. Over the weekend I made 6 more hanging sleeves that we have to sew on. I made a sample mug rug to show the sandwiching process and binding in progress. We may give away a mug rug or two to someone who visits our display so I made another stack of 4 mug rugs to have on hand. 

      I usually finish them pillowcase style without binding as I do placemats. If you are not familiar here are the steps. 
1. piece the top 
2. layer batting, then backing right side up and next top right side down. 

 3. sew around the outside edge with 1/4” seam leaving an opening for turning. 
4. trim any excess batting and backing and turn right side out. 

5. Press neatly turning in opening, then top stitch 1/8” around edge to close. 

6. Finish with quilting. 

 I also add a tag for those not familiar with mug rugs.

I'm a Snack Mat  (aka mug rug)

I'm bigger than a coaster, smaller than a placemat.
Perfect for holding your cup plus a little snack on the side. 
Use me and don't be afraid to spill on me.  Just wash gently
in cold water, dry on low and I'll be good as new.  Enjoy!

    Church quilt group is making a memory quilt for a friend who lost her husband suddenly. Wednesday we sorted and deboned his shirts. I brought home some and cut out pieces for several quilt blocks that I plan to piece before our next meeting.

     I pieced a simple placemat top so another member could learn how to sandwich and finish it pillowcase style. Here is her first finish.

     My younger GD wants to decorate her new bedroom for each holiday. I made a couple of pillowcases for St. Patrick's Day.

      Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 3.115 yds Added: 2.66 yds
So far this year - Used: 24.365 yds Added: 3 yds
Net decrease 21.365 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Another Finish

      With the unusual winter weather in South Carolina I was stuck inside a couple of days. The ice and snow made for a great time to work on quilt projects. I sandwiched 3 quilts and finished the quilting on one. This was the free BOM in 2022 for A Quilting Life. 

 They offer one each year and you can find out about this year's BOM here.

    I also made a special pillowcase for a friend's birthday and then I made 8 mug rugs for gifts.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 11.25 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year - Used: 21.25 yds Added: 3 yds
Net decrease 18.25 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Non Quilt Project

      My older GD has a birthday the end of the month and I decided to make her a backpack using UGA fabric.  I titled this post a non quilt project; however, I did quilt the fabric for the backpack.  I have had the ByAnnie backpack pattern for a few years, but this was my first time using it.  I needed 1 yard each of 3 contrasting fabrics. I was able to pull 2 from my stash and bought 1 yard of UGA fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby. I ordered some of the needed notions from ByAnnie. First I quilted a sandwich of 2 fabrics along with Annie's Soft and Stable. Then I cut out all the various parts and they were numerous.

       I have the printed directions; however, I found it more helpful to watch her video as I worked - watch a section of the video, sew a part then watch the next video section while referring to the written directions, etc. It was very helpful to stop the video to sew or watch the video again. It was not that difficult, just numerous steps and lots of parts, but that is one thing that makes the backpack so special. Here is in progress. 

  This is the finished backpack.  

I hope to make another one and I'm sure the next will be easier.

      I made a QOV pillowcase and bought special fabric to make a couple more.  Friday I shared a quilted comfort quilt finish and some pink potato chip blocks. Those are the sewing/quilting projects I worked on this past week.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 4.5 yds Added: 3 yds
So far this year - Used: 10 yds Added: 3 yds
Net decrease 7 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Another Comfort Quilt Finish

    I have been on a roll finishing and here is another comfort quilt. The pieced top was donated and long and narrow. I added wide side borders and quilted. I took the opportunity to practice the FM feather meander all over the main part. Although far from perfect it gives a nice texture.

Then because I love feathers, I quilted long feathers in the wide borders. Here is close up of the front

and here is close up of the back quilting.

   I cut more scrappy pink brick units for more potato chip blocks and currently have 12. I have more bricks cut so will continue making blocks. Hopefully 30 in all for a 60 by 72” quilt.

    I'm linking up with Alycia for Finished or Not Friday. Check it out for inspiration.

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Second and Third Finish of 2025

     My quilting year is off to a great start finishing UFOs. My second finish is a comfort quilt for my church quilt group. We were given several tops pieced by quilters in Cresco, Iowa. I added a border of HSTs to this one and quilted.

I practiced a floral meander with some a few leaves and some simple meandering also. In the HSTs I quilted a continuous motif then swirls in the outer border.

     Then I pulled a quilt top that was already sandwiched so over the weekend I finished quilting this improv red, black and white quilt and machine sewed on the binding. It will wait to be gifted to someone.

     I like patterns that use brick units; however, I had never pieced a potato chip block so I decided to try a few with pink scraps from church. Pink is the color of the month for the 2025 Scrap Challenge. I pieced two blocks and decided to pull more pink scrap strips from my stash.

Maybe I will make enough pink potato chip blocks for a large lap quilt.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 2 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year - Used: 5.5 yds Added: 0 yds
      Net decrease 5.5 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.

Monday, January 6, 2025

2025 Yearly Goals and First Finish

    My list of UFOs has been updated and quilting supplies organized so I am ready for a productive quilting year for 2025. My goals are the same as for last year.

1. Finish UFOs

I have a priority list of 12 UFOs for family, friends and myself plus 6 charity/comfort UFOs. Many are tops waiting to be quilted. After these are finished, I hope to pull other UFOs and move them forward. It will be difficult to resist the temptation to start something new when inspiration hits.

2. Reduce fabric stash
I am blessed to have a significant fabric stash from which to pull. However, I would really like to reduce the space it takes.

3. Control and use scrap fabric 

I have worked to establish a scrap user system; however, I would like to use it more frequently. I know there are numerous lovely pattern that can be made with the pieces already cut.

     The first week of the new year I am off to a great start with my quilting goals. I sandwiched 2 tops. Saturday I quilted my “Stars Like Spaghetti” QOV from Alycia-Quiltygirl. Now it is trimmed and ready for binding which friend Jan will do.

Stash Report for 2025

this past week - Used: 3.5 yds Added: 0 yds
So far this year - Used: 3.5 yds Added: 0 yds
Net decrease 3.5 yds

Have a great week and enjoy some time for quilting.