The past week the only sewing I did was hemming a jumper for my granddaughter. Today I got back to free-motion quilting. This quilt will be a comfort quilt for someone at church and not for any show so it is a good place to try out new free-motion quilting techniques. I am using the large blank areas of the "Pina Colada" quilt to use a large template with a couple of different fillers. First I marked the template and quilted with continuous line FM quilting. It was good practice to follow the line.
On 4 of the marked templates I did very small stippling in selected areas.

In small clam shaped areas of the marked template on 4 others, I used a design from Cindy Needham called "Ginko Clam".

In another long open area I tried another idea from Cindy. I used a feather template but only marked the spine and the outer curve for a guide. This is the first time I have quilted such long feathers.
There are still some large triangle areas that I look forward to trying yet another technique. I am enjoying trying many new FMQ techniques on this quilt.